There are some songs that are so iconic, they become a part of the culture. Yes, even a part of the crypto-space culture. “I am the Walrus” by The Beatles is one of those songs. There is now an official We Are The Walrus NFT collection inspired by this iconic song, sold through the Solana Blockchain. The team behind the project takes pride in being a ”family of dreamers”, just as the band that inspired their NFT collection.


The Walrus NFTs were produced on December 4th and immediately sold out! The only way to get a WATW now is via a Solana secondary NFT market. You will need a Solana Wallet to purchase and store your NFT, as well as make purchases in Sol (the Solana Network Cryptocurrency).


The Phantom Wallet is a helpful option to purchase an NFT from this collection. It can be downloaded for free on the iOS App Store or Google Play. If you’re new to NFTs and don’t know how to use the Phantom wallet, go to th YouTube channel of the WATW team, where you can find instructional videos. After the purchase of your first walrun NFT, things get a little more interesting.


What happens after the purchase?


After you buy your walrus NFT, there are a few phases you need to go through. Phase 1 consists in what is called ”The Walrus Game”, which is similar to The Squid Game. What does that mean? Well, your purchase does not guarantee lifetime membership in this exclusive owners club.


According to the team, the so called „”weakest walruses” will be caught and executed, metaphorically. They intend to use 30% of the royalties towards buying back some of the walruses and terminate them. Only 5000 ”most dedicated” walruses can emerge victorious.


The walruses that don’t make it are inducted into the RIP Hall of Fame of the We Are The Walrus NFT club. How could this happen? Well, since the team wants to build a strong community, if you try to resell a walrus through the Solana market, they will buy it from you and delete that NFT.


Phase 2 – bringing true value to your purchase


Making it into the second phase will reword the walrus NFT owners with a second, free NFT. This prize is considered the first NFT’s sidekick. This achievement comes also with some more benefits. The holders of a walrus gain a seat at the We Are The Walrus NFT table, having full rights to have a vote in all future decisions


This is the phase where the club moves into the WATW DAO mode. Moreover, 50% of royalties go into the WATW DREAMERS VAULT. The community built around this collection can vote how to spend the royalties towards further development. This, of course, brings along full transparency to the community.


To learn more about the We Are The Walrus NFT collection and many more crypto assets, visit!

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