Facebook Ads

Promote yourself intelligently on social media

Know-how and creativity for quick results

A constant, well-thought presence in Social Media allows you to interact with your audience, catch and hold their attention and, more importantly, effectively promote your products or services.

If you want to be as visible as possible on Facebook, you can’t just rely on organic reach, you need Facebook Ads campaigns that will help you reach as many potential customers as possible.

This is where we, the PPC specialists from Danco Vision, intervene. Thus, we work together to determine the results you want to achieve, and we take care of the remaining steps:

  • A clear strategy for achieving the goals;
  • We identify the right audience that would be receptive to your brand’s products or services;
  • We choose the type of advertisement on Facebook and send the brief to the design team;
  • We implement the campaign with meticulous settings for the best results;
  • We constantly monitor and optimize our campaigns when needed.

Visibility campaigns

By implementing a visibility campaign, your brand will be known to an increasingly large audience.

Traffic campaigns

A traffic campaign is the best choice when you want to increase your level of interactions and attract new customers.

Conversion campaigns

This type of campaign is recommended for online stores to encourage quick purchases.

Types of Facebook Ads promotion campaigns

The Facebook platform offers a variety of possibilities when it comes to the type of ad you can display. As the visuals are at the heart of your advertising strategy, you need to choose the approach that best highlights your campaign objectives.

Typically, content from higher authority websites prevails, with a higher chance of ranking over lower authority websites. That’s why Off-Page SEO is important – to increase your brand’s authority and relevance to Google.

When it comes to Facebook Ads promotion campaigns, the ad format can be as follows:

– Photo ads: this type of ad is among the most common and handy approaches. Photo ad promotion involves a single image, short text and a link to the promoted service/product;

– Video ads: with video ads you can convey your message in a more elaborate way. This type of format is most often used for brand awareness campaigns;

– Carousel ads: this type of ad allows you to promote several products simultaneously. You can use different images with buttons that redirect you to different pages of your website;

These are just some of the types of ads available through Facebook Ads promotion. They can be chosen according to your brand objectives. That’s why the Danco Vision team will carefully analyse your needs in order to implement the right campaigns.

Benefits of Facebook Ads promotion campaigns

Facebook Ads promotion campaigns come with several benefits, including the fact that they offer fast conversion. They are ideal for both long-term and short-term promotion strategies. The promoted ad will immediately reach potential customers, increasing sales in just a few days.

At the same time, Facebook is one of the largest digital marketing networks, giving you access to over 2.910 billion users. So your ads are sure to reach people interested in your services or products. With the right data, you can target audiences who are interested in what you’re promoting.

This type of promotion is beneficial for any type of service/product, as it helps you reach a new audience as well as retarget users who have previously interacted with your brand.These are just some of the types of ads available through Facebook Ads promotion campaigns.

Successful projects

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Customer name

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Danco Vision
Not just websites


FAQ Danco Vision

Frequently asked questions that Danco Vision online marketing agency received

Facebook Ads campaigns are paid advertising campaigns created and managed through the Facebook advertising platform. These campaigns allow companies to promote their products, services and messages through the Facebook network and other company social platforms.

The main advantages of Facebook Ads advertising campaigns include the ability to reach a large and diverse audience, the ability to use a variety of ad formats, the ability to customise audiences and analyse campaign performance.

There are several types of Facebook Ads campaigns, including brand awareness campaigns, lead generation campaigns, conversion campaigns, campaigns to increase traffic and sales campaigns.

Best practices for Facebook Ads campaigns include audience personalization, using relevant and engaging visual and textual content, A/B testing to determine which ad types work best, monitoring campaign performance in real time, and adjusting strategies based on the data.

The performance of Facebook Ads campaigns can be measured through several metrics, such as click-through rate, cost per action, conversion rate, abandonment rate, view rate and more. These metrics allow the company to evaluate campaign performance and make informed decisions about promotion strategies.