Google Ads

Invest to be the leader in Google searches

Immediate, real time optimized results!

The competition is fierce in every field, and you need a top promotion for your brand to stand out. Don’t miss the opportunity to promote your products and messages on the most used search engine!

At Danco Vision you will enjoy the expertise of PPC specialists who will give you the best results, from a well-chosen strategy, optimization for landing pages, relevant and attractive texts to constantly monitoring the results.

An efficient Google Ads campaign will identify the needs and searches of potential customers and provide them with solutions through strong CTAs advertisements. Moreover, your business will enjoy fast and measurable results because you will pay strictly for the number of clicks per ad.


Your messages enjoy maximum visibility on the first page of the search engine.


It displays creative banners targeted by topics, keywords, interests, or destinations.


You directly promote products with a picture and price for a higher conversion rate.


Your ad reaches people who have already shown interest in the brand’s products/services.

Types of Google Ads campaigns

There are several types of Google Ads campaigns that can be implemented. Depending on your needs, you can run campaigns such as:


This type of campaign displays your desired ad on the first page of the search engine. The advertised text will appear above the organic searches, so that users interested in your services or products will see your website first after searching on Google.


Google Ads Display campaigns help you promote your products or services with images, not just text. This allows you to reach potential consumers when they browse certain websites or even their Gmail account, apps or videos. This type of campaign helps you increase brand awareness.


With this type of campaign you can target potential customers through ads placed before, during or after YouTube videos and in search results. These video ads provide you with a 5-second timer where you can present your message before the user can skip. If they don’t move on to watch the video they want, they can watch the rest of the ad for your product or service.


This type of campaign is ideal if you want to specifically promote certain products you sell. Shopping campaigns allow you to display an image of the product on Google, along with other product details such as the title, price, store name and reviews of that product.

Such an approach helps you to provide essential information about the product before users visit your online store.

Performance Max 

Google Performance Max is a new type of campaign launched in 2021 that uses artificial intelligence to display ads in search, display, Gmail, etc. Performance Max is based on goals that allow you to access Google Ads inventory in a campaign.

In addition to these, there are other types of Google Ads campaigns such as Smart, App or Discovery campaigns. Depending on your brand and the type of promotion required, we offer Google Ads promotion services that will reach your goals as soon as possible!

Successful projects

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Customer name

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Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google that allows paid ads to be displayed in Google search results, on partner websites and other places online.

Google Ads works by bidding on keywords relevant to your business and creating ads to be shown to Google users searching or browsing the web for similar products or services.

The advantages of a Google Ads campaign include: maximum visibility in Google searches, targeting your audience, measuring campaign effectiveness and adjusting it in real time, controlling your budget and cost per click.

Cost per click is the amount you pay when someone clicks on your ad in Google Ads. The cost per click varies depending on the keywords you are bidding on, competition and other factors.

To optimise a Google Ads campaign, you need to constantly monitor and adjust bids, keywords, ads and landing pages according to their performance. You can also use tools like A/B testing to test different ad variations and landing pages to see which perform best.